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When you Import data from other data sources such as web forms or data migrations, data can become inconsistent, and you could end up having multiple constituent records of the same constituent. With the Deduper tool, you can quickly find the duplicate records in Altru and you can either merge them or remove them from the system with one simple screen
Using Altru to create and share calendars can be a serious challenge. When implementing Blackbaud’s WordPress plugin, you may find yourself dealing with inconsistent data and usability issues. And if your website doesn’t run on WordPress, you’re out of luck. You’ve already wasted countless hours reading the manual and calling your IT staff, all the while missing out on sales.
Manage the look and feel of your emails and put your best foot forward with new customers to your organization by sending customized emails for tickets, summer camps, memberships, or any other online sale. You can provide additional information regarding a sales order based on a custom query to have complete control of the emails that go out to your customers.
No more slow web pages to deal with or clunky hardware to use. Just download your free mobile app to start scanning and validating tickets. With the audio and visual feedback, you get to know your always reporting accurate attendance of guests saving you time and effort.
Improve the online Altru experience by setting your Altru web forms free! Enable the Online Template to customize the “Sold Out” message, modify any of the on-page content, add elements to the page, such as images, videos, slideshows, and banners. You get complete control of the CSS and JavaScript that runs on your web forms, and you get to see a live preview of the changes before you commit to them.
Customize the look and feel of your online web forms to avoid leaving your online shoppers frustrated, causing you to lose out on potential sales. Instead, create a checkout flow and take back ownership of the online shopping experience. With a custom checkout flow, you can control the user experience by removing or adding elements to the page. Once you have your checkout flow created, you can choose where to execute the flow and when to ignore it. Start to exceed your customer expectations by customizing the checkout process using a custom checkout flow.
The centralized source to allow your members to manage their membership online and help you cut down on the number of support calls so you can increase your membership retention. With the online membership portal, your guests can quickly view there membership type, membership level, expiration date, upcoming renewal date, membership card, contact member services, update contact information with Altru and view their purchase history. Your membership team can start to attract new members and retain your existing ones. With the easy to use Administrator Panel, you can adjust every setting in the Membership Portal to provide the same level of experience for all of your members.
Make Altru the centerpiece of your enterprise by allowing Altru to speak to other applications you already use. With the API integration, you can integrate with other software solutions such as Zapier, IFTTT, MailChimp, Constant Contact, Drip, and any other application that supports webhooks.
One simple easy to use tool to find
duplicate records inside of Altru.
Create your own Calendars with your Altru data so you can organize your events.
Create and customize acknowledgment emails for
your sales orders.
Easy to use barcode scanner app to validate tickets and membership cards.
Enable banners, slideshows, and custom pop-ups in your Altru forms.
Streamline your checkout flow to reduce steps and increase online conversions.
Allow your members to view, upgrade, and renew memberships online.
Connect Altru with Google sheets and excel without any coding required
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This site is not a part of the Altru website or Blackbaud, Inc. Additionally, this site is not endorsed by Blackbaud in any way. Altru is a trademark of Blackbaud, Inc.